When Will We Become Lebanese ?

Written by Racha El Halabi

Sometimes I tend to think what is missing in the Lebanese equation are the set of ideals and principals that define Lebanon the country is supposed to represent. In essence these ideals and principals make up the soul that pumps life into this person called Lebanon.

The irony of Lebanon is that it is a country with 4.5 million inhabitants but very few Lebanese citizens.

In fact, a country with no citizens will not stand, at least not for long and it will never be anything to be proud of.

It is really hard to ask “Will there ever be enough Lebanese to reclaim the country?” , but it is definetely harder to ask “When will we become Lebanese? ” , without remembering the amazing Ad a couple of years ago, that presented the issue of our national identity so effortlessly, so succinctly, so bluntly .. That Ad has certainly targeted a big purpose ..

As for me, I sure hope one day we will become so .. but I’ll not hold my breath ..

You can check the Ad on the following Link : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YmcC0HI6lto

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